Published March 1, 2023 | Version v1
Publication Open

GTAR: a new ensemble evolutionary autoregressive approach to model dissolved organic carbon

  • 1. Antalya Bilim University
  • 2. Middle East University
  • 3. University of Oulu
  • 4. University of Padua


Abstract This article explores the forecasting capabilities of three classic linear and nonlinear autoregressive modeling techniques and proposes a new ensemble evolutionary time series approach to model and forecast daily dynamics in stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The model used data from the Oulankajoki River basin, a boreal catchment in Northern Finland. The models that were evolved used both accuracy and parsimony measures including autoregressive (AR), vector autoregressive (VAR), and self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR). The new method, called genetic-based SETAR (GTAR), evolved through the integration of state-of-the-art genetic programming with SETAR. To develop the models, high-resolution DOC concentration and daily streamflow (as the external input for VAR) were measured at the same gauging station throughout the ice free season. The results showed that all the models characterize the DOC dynamics with an acceptable 1-day-ahead forecasting accuracy. Use of the streamflow time series as an exogenous variable did not increase the predictive accuracy of AR models. Moreover, the hybrid GTAR provided the best accuracy for the holdout testing data and proved to be a suitable approach for predicting DOC in boreal conditions.

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

الملخص تستكشف هذه المقالة قدرات التنبؤ لثلاث تقنيات نمذجة انحدارية ذاتية كلاسيكية وغير خطية وتقترح نهجًا جديدًا للمجموعة الزمنية التطورية لنمذجة وتوقع الديناميكيات اليومية في الكربون العضوي المذاب (DOC). استخدم النموذج بيانات من حوض نهر أولانكايوكي، وهو مستجمع شمالي في شمال فنلندا. استخدمت النماذج التي تم تطويرها كلاً من مقاييس الدقة والشح بما في ذلك الانحدار الذاتي (AR)، الانحدار الذاتي المتجه (VAR)، وعتبة الانحدار الذاتي المثيرة (SETAR). تطورت الطريقة الجديدة، المسماة سيتار (GTAR)، من خلال دمج البرمجة الوراثية الحديثة مع سيتار. لتطوير النماذج، تم قياس تركيز المستند عالي الدقة وتدفق التيار اليومي (كمدخل خارجي لـ VAR) في نفس محطة القياس طوال موسم الجليد الخالي. أظهرت النتائج أن جميع النماذج تميز ديناميكيات DOC بدقة تنبؤ مقبولة قبل يوم واحد. لم يؤد استخدام السلسلة الزمنية للتدفق كمتغير خارجي إلى زيادة الدقة التنبؤية لنماذج الواقع المعزز. علاوة على ذلك، قدم GTAR الهجين أفضل دقة لبيانات اختبار الرافضة وأثبت أنه نهج مناسب للتنبؤ بـ DOC في الظروف الشمالية.

Translated Description (English)

Abstract This article explores the forecasting capabilities of three classic linear and nonlinear autoregressive modeling techniques and proposes a new ensemble evolutionary time series approach to model and forecast daily dynamics in stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The model used data from the Oulankajoki River basin, a boreal catchment in Northern Finland. The models that were evolved used both accuracy and parsimony measures including autoregressive (AR), vector autoregressive (VAR), and self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR). The new method, called genetic-based SETAR (GTAR), evolved through the integration of state-of-the-art genetic programming with SETAR. To develop the models, high-resolution DOC concentration and daily streamflow (as the external input for var) were measured at the same gauging station throughout the ice free season. The results showed that all the models characterize the DOC dynamics with an acceptable 1-day-ahead forecasting accuracy. Use of the streamflow time series as an exogenous variable did not increase the predictive accuracy of AR models. Moreover, the hybrid GTAR provided the best accuracy for the holdout testing data and proved to be a suitable approach for predicting Doc in boreal conditions.

Translated Description (French)

Abstract This article explores the forecasting capabilities of three classic linear and nonlinear autoregressive modeling techniques and proposes a new ensemble evolutionary time series approach to model and forecast daily dynamics in stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The model used data from the Oulankajoki River basin, a boreal catchment in Northern Finland. The models that were evolved used both accuracy and parsimony measures including autoregressive (AR), vector autoregressive (VAR), and self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR). The new method, called genetic-based SETAR (GTAR), evolved through the integration of state-of-the-art genetic programming with SETAR. To develop the models, high-resolution DOC concentration and daily streamflow (as the external input for VAR) were measured at the same gauging station throughout the ice free season. The results showed that all the models characterize the DOC dynamics with an acceptable 1-day-ahead forecasting accuracy. Use of the streamflow time series as an exogenous variable did not increase the predictive accuracy of AR models. Moreover, the hybrid GTAR provided the best accuracy for the holdout testing data and proved to be a suitable approach for predicting DOC in boreal conditions.

Translated Description (Spanish)

Abstract This article explores the forecasting capabilities of three classic linear and nonlinear autoregressive modeling techniques and proposes a new ensemble evolutionary time series approach to model and forecast daily dynamics in stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The model used data from the Oulankajoki River basin, a boreal catchment in Northern Finland. The models that were evolved used both accuracy and parsimony measures including autoregressive (AR), vector autoregressive (VAR), and self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR). The new method, called genetic-based SETAR (GTAR), evolved through the integration of state-of-the-art genetic programming with SETAR. To develop the models, high-resolution DOC concentration and daily streamflow (as the external input for VAR) were measured at the same gauging station throughout the ice free season. The results showed that all the models characterize the DOC dynamics with an acceptable 1-day-ahead forecasting accuracy. Use of the streamflow time series as an exogenous variable did not increase the predictive accuracy of AR models. Moreover, the hybrid GTAR provided the best accuracy for the holdout testing data and proved to be a suitable approach for predicting DOC in boreal conditions.



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Additional titles

Translated title (Arabic)
GTAR: نهج جديد لمجموعة الانحدار الذاتي التطوري لنموذج الكربون العضوي المذاب
Translated title (English)
GTAR: a new evolutionary autoregressive ensemble approach to model dissolved organic carbon
Translated title (French)
GTAR : a new ensemble evolutionary autoregressive approach to model dissolved organic carbon
Translated title (Spanish)
GTAR: a new ensemble evolutionary autoregressive approach to model dissolved organic carbon



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