Published December 8, 2017 | Version v1
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El equinodermo Gogia granulosa (Echinodermata: Blastozoa) del Cámbrico temprano-medio en Sonora, México: paleoecología y paleogeografía

  • 1. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • 2. Universidad de Sonora
  • 3. Instituto de Química del Noroeste Argentino


The echinoderm Gogia granulosa (Echinodermata: Blastozoa) of early-mid Cambrian in Sonora, Mexico: paleoecology and paleogeography.Blastoids of Gogia granulosa Robison, 1965 and Gogia sp. have previously been reported from San Jose de Gracia, Sonora, Mexico. Here we report on the implications of their presence in limestone, shale, and sandstone from the lower-middle Cambrian of that site. The biotic association consists of blastoids, as well as trilobites (Onchocephalus, Bonnia, Bristolia, Olenellus), hyolithids (Hyolithes, Haplophrentis), sponges, algae and ichnofossils of echinoderms (Asteriacites, Asterosoma). The community suggests that the depositional environment was a carbonated platform of tropical, shallow sea, with well oxygenated water. The biota belonged to a large faunistic province that comprised parts of Canada, USA and Mexico (Panthalassic Ocean). Rev. Biol. Trop. 65(Suppl. 1): S160-S167. Epub 2017 November 01.

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Translated Description (Arabic)

شوكيات الجلد Gogia granulosa (شوكيات الجلد: Blastozoa) في أوائل منتصف الكمبري في سونورا، المكسيك: علم البيئة القديمة والجغرافيا القديمة. تم الإبلاغ سابقًا عن شوكيات Gogia granulosa Robison، 1965 و Gogia sp. من سان خوسيه دي غراسيا، سونورا، المكسيك. نقدم هنا تقريرًا عن الآثار المترتبة على وجودها في الحجر الجيري والصخر الزيتي والحجر الرملي من العصر الكمبري الأوسط السفلي لهذا الموقع. يتكون الارتباط الحيوي من أشباه الأرومات، بالإضافة إلى ثلاثيات الفصوص (Onchocephalus، Bonnia، Bristolia، Olenellus)، الحصى الهيولية (Hyolithes، Haplophrentis)، الإسفنج، الطحالب وأحافير شوكيات الجلد (Asteriacites، Asterosoma). يقترح المجتمع أن البيئة الترسيبية كانت منصة غازية للبحر الاستوائي الضحل، مع مياه مؤكسجة جيدًا. تنتمي الكائنات الحية إلى مقاطعة كبيرة تضم أجزاء من كندا والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والمكسيك (المحيط البانثالاسي). Rev. Biol. Trop. 65(ملحق 1): S160 - S167. EPUB 2017 نوفمبر 01.

Translated Description (English)

The echinoderm Gogia granulosa (Echinodermata: Blastozoa) of early-mid Cambrian in Sonora, Mexico: paleoecology and paleogeography.Blastoids of Gogia granulosa Robison, 1965 and Gogia sp. have previously been reported from San Jose de Gracia, Sonora, Mexico. Here we report on the implications of their presence in limestone, shale, and sandstone from the lower-middle Cambrian of that site. The biotic association consists of blastoids, as well as trilobites (Onchocephalus, Bonnia, Bristolia, Olenellus), hyolithids (Hyolithes, Haplophrentis), sponges, algae and ichnofossils of echinoderms (Asteriacites, Asterosoma). The community suggests that the depositional environment was a carbonated platform of tropical, shallow sea, with well oxygenated water. The biota belonged to a large faunistic province that comprised parts of Canada, USA and Mexico (Panthalassic Ocean). Rev. Biol. Trop. 65(Suppl. 1): S160-S167. Epub 2017 November 01.

Translated Description (French)

The echinoderm Gogia granulosa (Echinodermata : Blastozoa) of early-mid Cambrian in Sonora, Mexico : paleoecology and paleogeography.Blastoids of Gogia granulosa Robison, 1965 and Gogia sp. have previously been reported from San Jose de Gracia, Sonora, Mexico. Here we report on the implications of their presence in limestone, shale, and sandstone from the lower-middle Cambrian of that site. The biotic association consists of blastoids, as well as trilobites (Onchocephalus, Bonnia, Bristolia, Olenellus), hyolithids (Hyolithes, Haplophrentis), sponges, algae and ichnofossils of echinoderms (Asteriacites, Astérosome). The community suggests that the depositional environment was a carbonated platform of tropical, shallow sea, with well oxygenated water. The biota belonged to a large faunistic province that included parts of Canada, USA and Mexico (Panthalassic Ocean). Rév. Biol. Trop. 65(Suppl. 1) : S160-S167. Epub 2017 November 01.



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Translated title (Arabic)
أوائل العصر الكمبري الأوسط Gogia granulosa echinoderm (Echinodermata: Blastozoa) في سونورا، المكسيك: علم البيئة القديمة والجغرافيا القديمة
Translated title (English)
Early-Middle Cambrian Gogia granulosa echinoderm (Echinodermata: Blastozoa) in Sonora, Mexico: paleoecology and paleogeography
Translated title (French)
L'échinoderme Gogia granulosa (Echinodermata : Blastozoa) du Cambrien moyen à moyen à Sonora, Mexique : paléoécologie et paléogéographie



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