Published May 30, 2014 | Version v1
Publication Open

Geometría del basamento y espesores sedimentarios del lago Fagnano (Tierra del Fuego).

  • 1. Fundación Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
  • 2. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • 3. University of Buenos Aires
  • 4. National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics
  • 5. University of Urbino
  • 6. University of Haifa


Lago Fagnano, an E-W elongated basin located in the central part of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, occupies a structural depression originated along a segment of the Magallanes-Fagnano fault system. Its evolution was mostly conditioned by tectonic processes, and later was affected by glacial and glacio-lacustrine depositional events. New high-resolution single-channel seismic data, integrated with previous seismic profiles, and geological information acquired in the surroundings of the Lago Fagnano, allows us reconstructing the basement surface of the lake, and the geometry, distribution, and thickness of the glacial and glacio-lacustrine sequences. We recognized three main sub-basins within the Lago Fagnano: 1. a medium-size (ca. 21x5 km), deep (373 m), and asymmetric basin to the east; 2. an E-W trending (44x3 km), shallower (150 m) central sub-basin; and 3. a smaller (3.5x1.3 km), shallow (128 m) sub-basin to the west. The isopach sediment map shows that the most pronounced deposition occurred along the E-W axis of the lake, with a gradual increase in thickness towards east (from 100 to 150 m). The glacial deposits are widespread along the basin. The lacustrine sediments are preferentially localized along the E-W axis of the lake filling topographic lows. The shape of the sub-basins and their location in relation with the Magallanes-Fagnano fault system, along with the distribution, geometry, and thickness of the sedimentary units, show that the general morphology of the Lago Fagnano was mostly controlled by pre-existing and syntectonic features. Based on the structural data observed in the outcrops around the Lago Fagnano and the geophysical data, we proposed that the lake is composed by 4 amalgamated pull-apart sub-basins.

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

يحتل لاغو فاغنانو، وهو حوض ممدود من نوع E - W يقع في الجزء الأوسط من جزيرة غراندي دي تييرا ديل فويغو، انخفاضًا هيكليًا نشأ على طول جزء من نظام خطأ ماغالانيس- فاغنانو. كان تطورها مشروطًا في الغالب بالعمليات التكتونية، وتأثر لاحقًا بالأحداث الترسيبية الجليدية والجليدية. تسمح لنا البيانات الزلزالية الجديدة عالية الدقة أحادية القناة، والمتكاملة مع المقاطع الزلزالية السابقة، والمعلومات الجيولوجية التي تم الحصول عليها في محيط بحيرة فاجنانو، بإعادة بناء سطح الطابق السفلي للبحيرة، وهندسة وتوزيع وسمك التسلسلات الجليدية والجليدية. لقد تعرفنا على ثلاثة أحواض فرعية رئيسية داخل لاغو فاغنانو: 1. حوض متوسط الحجم (حوالي 21 × 5 كم)، وعميق (373 م)، وغير متماثل إلى الشرق ؛ 2. حوض فرعي مركزي ذو اتجاه E - W (44 × 3 كم)، ضحل (150 م) ؛ و 3. حوض فرعي أصغر (3.5 × 1.3 كم)، ضحل (128 م) إلى الغرب. تُظهر خريطة رواسب الأيزوباخ أن الترسب الأكثر وضوحًا حدث على طول محور EW للبحيرة، مع زيادة تدريجية في السماكة نحو الشرق (من 100 إلى 150 مترًا). تنتشر الرواسب الجليدية على طول الحوض. تتوضع رواسب البحيرات بشكل تفضيلي على طول محور EW للبحيرة التي تملأ القيعان الطبوغرافية. يُظهر شكل الأحواض الفرعية وموقعها فيما يتعلق بنظام صدع ماجالانيس- فاجنانو، إلى جانب توزيع الوحدات الرسوبية وهندستها وسمكها، أن التشكل العام لبحيرة فاجنانو كان يتم التحكم فيه في الغالب من خلال ميزات موجودة مسبقًا وتوليفية. بناءً على البيانات الهيكلية التي لوحظت في النتوءات حول لاغو فاغنانو والبيانات الجيوفيزيائية، اقترحنا أن البحيرة تتكون من 4 أحواض فرعية مدمجة قابلة للسحب.

Translated Description (English)

Lago Fagnano, an E-W elongated basin located in the central part of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, occupies a structural depression originated along a segment of the Magallanes-Fagnano fault system. Its evolution was mostly conditioned by tectonic processes, and later was affected by glacial and glacio-lacustrine depositional events. New high-resolution single-channel seismic data, integrated with previous seismic profiles, and geological information acquired in the surroundings of Lake Fagnano, allows us to reconstruct the basement surface of the lake, and the geometry, distribution, and thickness of the glacial and glacio-lacustrine sequences. We recognized three main sub-basins within the Lago Fagnano: 1. a medium-size (approx. 21x5 km), deep (373 m), and asymmetric basin to the east; 2. an E-W trending (44x3 km), shallower (150 m) central sub-basin; and 3. a smaller (3.5x1.3 km), shallow (128 m) sub-basin to the west. The isopach sediment map shows that the most pronounced deposition occurred along the E-W axis of the lake, with a gradual increase in thickness towards the east (from 100 to 150 m). The glacial deposits are widespread along the basin. The lacustrine sediments are preferentially localized along the E-W axis of the lake filling topographic lows. The shape of the sub-basins and their location in relation to the Magallanes-Fagnano fault system, along with the distribution, geometry, and thickness of the sedimentary units, show that the general morphology of Lake Fagnano was mostly controlled by pre-existing and syntectonic features. Based on the structural data observed in the outcrops around Lago Fagnano and the geophysical data, we proposed that the lake is composed by 4 amalgamated pull-apart sub-basins.

Translated Description (French)

Lago Fagnano, an E-W elongated basin located in the central part of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, occupies a structural depression originated along a segment of the Magallanes-Fagnano fault system. Its evolution was mostly conditioned by tectonic processes, and later was affected by glacial and glacio-lacustrine depositional events. New high-resolution single-channel seismic data, integrated with previous seismic profiles, and geological information acquired in the surroundings of the Lago Fagnano, allows us reconstructing the basement surface of the lake, and the geometry, distribution, and thickness of the glacial and glacio-lacustrine sequences. We recognized three main sub-basins within the Lago Fagnano : 1. a medium-size (env. 21x5 km), deep (373 m), and asymmetric basin to the east ; 2. an E-W trending (44x3 km), shallower (150 m) central sub-basin ; and 3. a smaller (3.5x1.3 km), shallow (128 m) sub-basin to the west. The isopach sediment map shows that the most pronounced deposition occurred along the E-W axis of the lake, with a gradual increase in thickness towards east (from 100 to 150 m). The glacial deposits are widespread along the basin. The lacustrine sediments are preferentially localized along the E-W axis of the lake filling topographic lows. The shape of the sub-basins and their location in relation with the Magallanes-Fagnano fault system, along with the distribution, geometry, and thickness of the sedimentary units, show that the general morphology of the Lago Fagnano was mostly controlled by pre-existing and syntectonic features. Based on the structural data observéd in the outcrops around the Lago Fagnano and the geophysical data, we proposed that the lake is composed by 4 amalgamated pull-apart sub-basins.



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Translated title (Arabic)
هندسة الطابق السفلي والسمك الرسوبي لبحيرة فاغنانو (تييرا ديل فويغو).
Translated title (English)
Geometry of the basement and sedimentary thicknesses of Lake Fagnano (Tierra del Fuego).
Translated title (French)
Géométrie de la base et épaisseurs sédimentaires du lac Fagnano (Terre de Feu).



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