Published June 30, 2005 | Version v1
Publication Open

Productos de corrosión formados en ambiente marino: vinculación de variables estructurales y potencial de corrosión


Structural and electrochemical analysis of rust formed from low alloy steel was performed. The samples, generated in the framework of MICAT project, were exposed in two marine environments: subtropical and sub polar Antarctic. The results suggested the formation of oxides and oxihidroxides of low crystallinity and poor protective properties. The evolution of the results is analyzed tacking to account the different environments. The electrochemical activity and phases concentration of corrosion products are analyzed by cluster diagrams with the objective of adjusting qualitative models.

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

تم إجراء التحليل الهيكلي والكهروكيميائي للصدأ المتكون من سبائك الصلب المنخفضة. تم الكشف عن العينات، التي تم إنشاؤها في إطار مشروع MICAT، في بيئتين بحريتين: شبه استوائية وشبه قطبية أنتاركتيكا. أشارت النتائج إلى تكوين أكاسيد وأكسيدات هيدروكسيد منخفضة التبلور وخصائص واقية ضعيفة. يتم تحليل تطور النتائج من خلال مراعاة البيئات المختلفة. يتم تحليل النشاط الكهروكيميائي وتركيز أطوار منتجات التآكل من خلال المخططات العنقودية بهدف تعديل النماذج النوعية.

Translated Description (English)

Structural and electrochemical analysis of rust formed from low alloy steel was performed. The samples, generated in the framework of MICAT project, were exposed in two marine environments: subtropical and sub polar Antarctic. The results suggested the formation of oxides and oxyhydroxides of low crystallinity and poor protective properties. The evolution of the results is analyzed by tacking to account for the different environments. The electrochemical activity and phases concentration of corrosion products are analyzed by cluster diagrams with the objective of adjusting qualitative models.

Translated Description (French)

Structural and electrochemical analysis of rust formed from low alloy steel was performed. The samples, generated in the framework of MICAT project, were exposed in two marine environments : subtropical and sub polar Antarctic. The results suggested the formation of oxides and oxyhydroxides of low crystallinity and poor protective properties. The evolution of the results is analyzed tacking to account the different environments. The electrochemical activity and phases concentration of corrosion products are analyszed by cluster diagrams with the objective of adjusting qualitative models.



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Translated title (Arabic)
منتجات التآكل المتكونة في البيئة البحرية: ربط المتغيرات الهيكلية وإمكانات التآكل
Translated title (English)
Corrosion products formed in the marine environment: linking structural variables and corrosion potential
Translated title (French)
Produits de corrosion formés en milieu marin : liaison des variables structurelles et potentiel de corrosion



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