Published December 22, 2014 | Version v1
Publication Open

Simplificación del proceso complejo de reducción de escala de los modelos climáticos globales por medio de la aplicación web SDW


The generation of climate change scenarios is based on the results of global climate models (GCM), which because of their low resolution require the use of downscaling techniques to assess the impact at local scale. Of the downscaling techniques, based either on the use of regional climate models or statistical methods defining the statistical relationship between synoptic climate variables and observations, previous studies revealed that statistical approaches most accurately predict future climate variables in mountainous areas, such as the Andes mountain range. To standardize and facilitate the assessment of the uncertainty between GCM models of future climate, greenhouse gas scenarios, and downscaling techniques, a versatile tool would be most appropriate and helpful. This paper presents the development, implementation and use of a web application that integrates all the steps in downscaling, it is from the search, analysis and storage of data, the selection, calibration and validation of models, up to downscaled outputs. The presented tool could easily be linked to a decision support system for climate change adaptation. &nbsp

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

يعتمد توليد سيناريوهات تغير المناخ على نتائج نماذج المناخ العالمية، والتي تتطلب استخدام تقنيات تصغير النطاق لتقييم التأثير على المستوى المحلي بسبب انخفاض دقة تحليلها. من بين تقنيات تصغير النطاق، استنادًا إما إلى استخدام نماذج المناخ الإقليمية أو الأساليب الإحصائية التي تحدد العلاقة الإحصائية بين متغيرات المناخ الشاملة والملاحظات، كشفت الدراسات السابقة أن الأساليب الإحصائية تتنبأ بدقة بالمتغيرات المناخية المستقبلية في المناطق الجبلية، مثل سلسلة جبال الأنديز. لتوحيد وتسهيل تقييم عدم اليقين بين نماذج GCM للمناخ المستقبلي وسيناريوهات غازات الدفيئة وتقنيات تقليص النطاق، ستكون الأداة المتعددة الاستخدامات هي الأنسب والمفيدة. تعرض هذه الورقة تطوير وتنفيذ واستخدام تطبيق ويب يدمج جميع الخطوات في تصغير النطاق، بدءًا من البحث عن البيانات وتحليلها وتخزينها، واختيار النماذج ومعايرتها والتحقق من صحتها، وصولاً إلى المخرجات المصغرة. يمكن بسهولة ربط الأداة المقدمة بنظام دعم القرار للتكيف مع تغير المناخ.

Translated Description (English)

The generation of climate change scenarios is based on the results of global climate models (GCM), which because of their low resolution require the use of downscaling techniques to assess the impact at local scale. Of the downscaling techniques, based either on the use of regional climate models or statistical methods defining the statistical relationship between synoptic climate variables and observations, previous studies revealed that statistical approaches most accurately predict future climate variables in mountainous areas, such as the Andes mountain range. To standardize and facilitate the assessment of the uncertainty between GCM models of future climate, greenhouse gas scenarios, and downscaling techniques, a versatile tool would be most appropriate and helpful. This paper presents the development, implementation and use of a web application that integrates all the steps in downscaling, it is from the search, analysis and storage of data, the selection, calibration and validation of models, up to downscaled outputs. The presented tool could easily be linked to a decision support system for climate change adaptation.

Translated Description (French)

The generation of climate change scenarios is based on the results of global climate models (GCM), which because of their low resolution require the use of downscaling techniques to assess the impact at local scale. Of the downscaling techniques, based either on the use of regional climate models or statistical methods defining the statistical relationhip between synoptic climate variables and observations, previous studies revealed that statistical approaches most exactly predict future climate variables in mountainous areas, such as the Andes mountain range. To standardize and facilitate the assessment of the uncertainty between GCM models of future climate, greenhouse gas scenarios, and downscaling techniques, a versatile tool would be most appropriate and helpful. This paper presents the development, implementation and use of a web application that integrates all the steps in downscaling, it is from the search, analysis and storage of data, the selection, calibration and validation of models, up to downscaled outputs. The presented tool could easily be linked to a decision support system for climate change adaptation. &nbsp



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Translated title (Arabic)
تبسيط العملية المعقدة لتقليص نطاق نماذج المناخ العالمي من خلال تطبيق ويب SDW
Translated title (English)
Simplifying the complex process of downscaling global climate models through the SDW web application
Translated title (French)
Simplification du processus complexe de réduction d'échelle des modèles climatiques globaux via l'application web SDW



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