Published May 29, 2015 | Version v1
Publication Open

Ambientes glaciolacustres y construcción estructural de morrenas frontales tardiglaciales en Torres del Paine, Patagonia austral chilena.

  • 1. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • 2. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • 3. Argentine Antarctic Institute
  • 4. Research Center on Earth Sciences
  • 5. Austral University of Chile
  • 6. University of Maine
  • 7. University of Colorado Boulder


The late-glacial sedimentologic and geomorphic record of the former Patagonian ice sheet remains mostly unstudied despite the fact that it affords invaluable evidence for glaciologic processes during the last glacial-interglacial transition (i.e., 18-11.5 ka). This information is critical if landforms (e.g., moraines) and associated sediments are to be used for paleoclimate reconstruction. El Canal stratigraphic section in Torres del Paine, southern Chile (51ºS), provides one of the few complete late-glacial morphostratigraphic records preserved on land in Patagonia that has not been reworked by postglacial lake or marine transgressions. Therefore, it provides unique evidence for reconstructing former environments, processes and fluctuations along the ice front at the end of the last glaciation. Here, we present results of a morphostratigraphic study of this site, which was shaped during the late-glacial Torres del Paine-TDP II, III and IV glacier fluctuations. We document the presence of eight sediment lithofacies associations and six stratigraphic sections that expose a complete record of proximal to distal subaqueous processes, which we link to phases of glacier advance (e.g., moraine building) and retreat. During the late-glacial, the Lago del Toro ice lobe pushed and glaciotectonized ice-contact lake sediments several times to shape the TDP moraine ridges fringing present-day lake. The saw-toothed morphology of the ridges confirms the structural origin of these landforms. Based on sediment facies associations, we conclude that local glacial lakes developed along the ice front during deposition of the late-glacial TDP II-IV moraine belts, suggesting that collapse, and associated continental drainage diversion, of major regional-size lakes in Torres del Paine had occurred during this time.

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Translated Description (Arabic)

لا يزال السجل الرسوبي والجيومورفي المتأخر للغطاء الجليدي الباتاغوني السابق غير مدروس في الغالب على الرغم من حقيقة أنه يوفر أدلة لا تقدر بثمن للعمليات الجليدية خلال الانتقال الجليدي بين الجليدي الأخير (أي 18-11.5 كيلو أمبير). هذه المعلومات حاسمة إذا تم استخدام التضاريس الأرضية (على سبيل المثال، المورين) والرواسب المرتبطة بها لإعادة بناء المناخ القديم. يوفر القسم الطبقي للقناة في توريس ديل باين، جنوب تشيلي (51 درجة مئوية)، أحد السجلات الكاملة القليلة للطبقات الجليدية المتأخرة المحفوظة على الأرض في باتاغونيا والتي لم تتم إعادة صياغتها بواسطة بحيرة ما بعد الجليدية أو التجاوزات البحرية. لذلك، فإنه يوفر دليلاً فريداً على إعادة بناء البيئات والعمليات والتقلبات السابقة على طول الجبهة الجليدية في نهاية العصر الجليدي الأخير. هنا، نقدم نتائج دراسة مورفوستراتيجرافية لهذا الموقع، والتي تشكلت خلال تقلبات الأنهار الجليدية المتأخرة Torres del Paine - TDP II و III و IV. نوثق وجود ثمانية ارتباطات للأوجه الحجرية للرواسب وستة أقسام طبقية تكشف عن سجل كامل للعمليات القريبة إلى البعيدة تحت الماء، والتي نربطها بمراحل تقدم الأنهار الجليدية (على سبيل المثال، بناء المورين) والتراجع. خلال العصر الجليدي المتأخر، دفع الفص الجليدي في لاغو ديل تورو رواسب البحيرة المتلامسة مع الجليد عدة مرات لتشكيل نتوءات مورين TDP على هامش البحيرة الحالية. تؤكد مورفولوجيا التلال ذات الأسنان المنشار الأصل الهيكلي لهذه التضاريس. استنادًا إلى ارتباطات سحنات الرواسب، نستنتج أن البحيرات الجليدية المحلية تطورت على طول الجبهة الجليدية أثناء ترسب أحزمة مورين TDP II - IV الجليدية المتأخرة، مما يشير إلى حدوث انهيار، وما يرتبط به من تحويل الصرف القاري، للبحيرات الرئيسية ذات الحجم الإقليمي في توريس ديل باين خلال هذا الوقت.

Translated Description (English)

The late-glacial sedimentologic and geomorphic record of the former Patagonian ice sheet remains mostly unstudied despite the fact that it affords invaluable evidence for glaciologic processes during the last glacial-interglacial transition (i.e., 18-11.5 ka). This information is critical if landforms (e.g., moraines) and associated sediments are to be used for paleoclimate reconstruction. The Canal stratigraphic section in Torres del Paine, southern Chile (51ºS), provides one of the few complete late-glacial morphostratigraphic records preserved on land in Patagonia that has not been reworked by postglacial lake or marine transgressions. Therefore, it provides unique evidence for reconstructing former environments, processes and fluctuations along the ice front at the end of the last glaciation. Here, we present results of a morphostratigraphic study of this site, which was shaped during the late-glacial Torres del Paine-TDP II, III and IV glacier fluctuations. We document the presence of eight sediment lithofacies associations and six stratigraphic sections that expose a complete record of proximal to distal subaqueous processes, which we link to phases of glacier advance (e.g., moraine building) and retreat. During the late-glacial, the Lago del Toro ice lobe pushed and glaciotectonized ice-contact lake sediments several times to shape the TDP moraine ridges fringing present-day lake. The saw-toothed morphology of the ridges confirms the structural origin of these landforms. Based on sediment facies associations, we conclude that local glacial lakes developed along the ice front during deposition of the late-glacial TDP II-IV moraine belts, suggesting that collapse, and associated continental drainage diversion, of major regional-size lakes in Torres del Paine had occurred during this time.

Translated Description (French)

The late-glacial sédimentologic and geomorphic record of the former Patagonian ice sheet remains mostly unstudied depite the fact that it affords inestimable evidence for glaciologic processes during the last glacial-interglacial transition (i.e., 18-11.5 ka). This information is critical if landforms (e.g., moraines) and associated sediments are to be used for paleoclimate reconstruction. Le Canal stratigraphic section in Torres del Paine, southern Chile (51ºS), provides one of the few complete late-glacial morphostratigraphic records preserved on land in Patagonia that has not been reworked by postglacial lake or marine transgressions. Therefore, it provides unique evidence for reconstructing former environments, processes and fluctuations along the ice front at the end of the last glaciation. Here, we present results of a morphostratigraphic study of this site, which was shaped during the late-glacial Torres del Paine-TDP II, III and IV glacier fluctuations. We document the presence of eight sediment lithofacies associations and six stratigraphic sections that expose a complete record of proximal to distal subaqueous processes, which we link to phases of glacier advance (e.g., moraine building) and retreat. During the late-glacial, the Lago del Toro ice lobe pushed and glaciotectonized ice-contact lake sediments several times to shape the TDP moraine ridges fringinging present-day lake. The saw-toothed morphology of the ridges confirms the structural origin of these landforms. Based on sediment facies associations, we conclde that local glacial lakes developed along the ice front during deposition of the late-glacial TDP II-IV moraine belts, suggesting that collapse, and associated continental drainage diversion, of major regional-size lakes in Torres del Paine had occurred during this time.



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Translated title (Arabic)
بيئات جلاسيولاكوسترين والبناء الهيكلي لمورينات جبهية بطيئة التجلط في توريس ديل باين، جنوب باتاغونيا التشيلية.
Translated title (English)
Glaciolacustrine environments and structural construction of tardiglacial frontal moraines in Torres del Paine, Chilean southern Patagonia.
Translated title (French)
Ambiances glaciolacustres et construction structurelle de moraines frontales tardives à Torres del Paine, Patagonie australe chilienne.



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