Published January 1, 2017 | Version v1
Publication Open


  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research
  • 2. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 3. Institute of Geography
  • 4. Southwest Forestry University
  • 5. Ludong University
  • 6. China Tourism Academy


A number of countries are concerned, to a certain degree, about the prospects for the implementation of the Chinese strategic initiative for the joint creation of the "Silk Road Economic Belt" (SREB). These concerns relate to fears of the transfer from China to the "belt" countries of excessive capacities of the polluting primaries industries, possible environmental degradation, and the destruction of the traditional way of life as a result of the implementation of mega-projects, and the fragility and vulnerability of many ecosystems along the routes of the prospective throughways between the eastern provinces of China and Europe [Bezrukov, 2016]. Environmental problems are clearly of key importance for the prospects of China's initiative. The initiative's program documents have stressed the need to take into account the interests of all parties and act solely on the basis of mutual benefit. The authors briefly consider the variety of natural and socio-economic conditions in the SREB zone and the sharp differences in the degree of economic development of the territory, which require close attention and scientific justification for political and economic decisions. Particular differences include temperature regime, precipitation, modern atmospheric circulation, transport of particulate matter and contaminants, soils, vegetation, land use, and risks of desertification in the SREB zone. The potential of complementarity of the natural resources of China and a number of neighboring countries may be realized. The paper also discusses China's present policy in the transition to sustainable development and its underlying concepts and achievements, especially at the level of regions and cities, including the concept of "ecological civilization" and the six stages of greening of cities. The authors believe that tourism related activities should be coordinated specifically at the city level as part of "green development." It is necessary to create free economic zones in the "economic corridors" along the planned transcontinental lines and utilize the existing national special zones. Such zones are particularly effective in border regions and cities. In conclusion, it is recommended to develop international research networks in the SREB zone, to establish an International Data Center, and to collect, organize, exchange, and publish jointly scientific information on the problems of transition to sustainable development.

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

يشعر عدد من الدول بالقلق، إلى حد ما، بشأن آفاق تنفيذ المبادرة الاستراتيجية الصينية من أجل الإنشاء المشترك لـ "الحزام الاقتصادي لطريق الحرير" (SREB). تتعلق هذه المخاوف بالمخاوف من نقل القدرات المفرطة للصناعات الأولية الملوثة من الصين إلى بلدان "الحزام"، والتدهور البيئي المحتمل، وتدمير طريقة الحياة التقليدية نتيجة لتنفيذ المشاريع الضخمة، وهشاشة وهشاشة العديد من النظم الإيكولوجية على طول طرق الممرات المحتملة بين المقاطعات الشرقية للصين وأوروبا [Bezrukov، 2016]. من الواضح أن المشاكل البيئية ذات أهمية رئيسية لآفاق مبادرة الصين. وقد شددت وثائق برنامج المبادرة على ضرورة مراعاة مصالح جميع الأطراف والعمل فقط على أساس المنفعة المتبادلة. يدرس المؤلفون بإيجاز تنوع الظروف الطبيعية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية في منطقة جنوب شرق أوروبا والاختلافات الحادة في درجة التنمية الاقتصادية للإقليم، والتي تتطلب اهتمامًا وثيقًا وتبريرًا علميًا للقرارات السياسية والاقتصادية. وتشمل الاختلافات الخاصة نظام درجة الحرارة، وهطول الأمطار، والدوران الجوي الحديث، ونقل الجسيمات والملوثات، والتربة، والغطاء النباتي، واستخدام الأراضي، ومخاطر التصحر في منطقة جنوب شرق أوروبا. قد تتحقق إمكانات تكامل الموارد الطبيعية للصين وعدد من الدول المجاورة. كما تناقش الورقة سياسة الصين الحالية في الانتقال إلى التنمية المستدامة ومفاهيمها وإنجازاتها الأساسية، خاصة على مستوى المناطق والمدن، بما في ذلك مفهوم "الحضارة البيئية" والمراحل الست لتخضير المدن. يعتقد المؤلفون أنه يجب تنسيق الأنشطة المتعلقة بالسياحة على وجه التحديد على مستوى المدينة كجزء من "التنمية الخضراء"." من الضروري إنشاء مناطق اقتصادية حرة في" الممرات الاقتصادية " على طول الخطوط العابرة للقارات المخطط لها والاستفادة من المناطق الخاصة الوطنية الحالية. هذه المناطق فعالة بشكل خاص في المناطق والمدن الحدودية. في الختام، يوصى بتطوير شبكات بحث دولية في منطقة جنوب شرق أوروبا، وإنشاء مركز بيانات دولي، وجمع وتنظيم وتبادل ونشر المعلومات العلمية بشكل مشترك حول مشاكل الانتقال إلى التنمية المستدامة.

Translated Description (English)

A number of countries are concerned, to a certain degree, about the prospects for the implementation of the Chinese strategic initiative for the joint creation of the "Silk Road Economic Belt" (SREB). These concerns relate to fears of the transfer from China to the "belt" countries of excessive capacities of the polluting primary industries, possible environmental degradation, and the destruction of the traditional way of life as a result of the implementation of mega-projects, and the fragility and vulnerability of many ecosystems along the routes of the prospective throughways between the eastern provinces of China and Europe [Bezrukov, 2016]. Environmental problems are clearly of key importance for the prospects of China's initiative. The initiative's program documents have stressed the need to take into account the interests of all parties and act solely on the basis of mutual benefit. The authors briefly consider the variety of natural and socio-economic conditions in the SREB zone and the sharp differences in the degree of economic development of the territory, which require close attention and scientific justification for political and economic decisions. Particular differences include temperature regime, precipitation, modern atmospheric circulation, transport of particulate matter and contaminants, soils, vegetation, land use, and risks of desertification in the SREB zone. The potential of complementarity of the natural resources of China and a number of neighboring countries may be realized. The paper also discusses China's present policy in the transition to sustainable development and its underlying concepts and achievements, especially at the level of regions and cities, including the concept of "ecological civilization" and the six stages of greening of cities. The authors believe that tourism-related activities should be coordinated specifically at the city level as part of "green development." It is necessary to create free economic zones in the "economic corridors" along the planned transcontinental lines and utilize the existing national special zones. Such zones are particularly effective in border regions and cities. In conclusion, it is recommended to develop international research networks in the SREB zone, to establish an International Data Center, and to collect, organize, exchange, and publish jointly scientific information on the problems of transition to sustainable development.

Translated Description (French)

A number of countries are concerned, to a certain degree, about the prospects for the implementation of the Chinese strategic initiative for the joint creation of the « Silk Road Economic Belt » (SREB). These concerns relate to fears of the transfer from China to the "belt" countries of excessive capacities of the polluting primaries industries, possible environmental degradation, and the destruction of the traditional way of life as a result of the implementation of mega-projects, and the fragility and vulnerability of many ecosystems along the routes of the prospective throughways between the eastern provinces of China and Europe [Bezrukov, 2016]. Environmental problems are clearly of key importance for the prospects of China' s initiative. The initiative' s program documents have stressed the need to take into account the interests of all parties and act solely on the basis of mutual benefit. The authors briefly consider the variety of natural and socio-economic conditions in the SREB zone and the sharp differences in the degree of economic development of the territory, which require close attention and scientific justification for political and economic decisions. Les différences particulaires incluent le régime de température, la précipitation, la circulation atmosphérique moderne, le transport de matières particulaires et de contaminants, les sols, la végétation, l'utilisation des terres et les risques de désertification dans la zone SREB. The potential of complementarity of the natural resources of China and a number of neighboring countries may be realized. Le document discute également de la politique actuelle de la Chine en matière de transition vers le développement durable et de ses concepts et réalisations sous-jacents, en particulier au niveau des régions et des villes, y compris le concept de « civilisation écologique » et les six étapes du verdissement des villes. The authors believe that tourism related activities should be coordinated specifically at the city level as part of "green development.» Il est nécessaire de créer des zones économiques libres dans les « corridors économiques » tout au long des lignes transcontinentales planifiées et d'exploiter les zones spéciales nationales existantes. Les zones de recherche sont particulièrement efficaces dans les régions et les villes frontalières. In conclusion, it is recommended to develop international research networks in the SREB zone, to establish an International Data Center, and to collect, organize, exchange, and publish jointly scientific information on the problems of transition to sustainable development.

Translated Description (Spanish)

A number of countries are concerned, to a certain degree, about the prospects for the implementation of the Chinese strategic initiative for the joint creation of the «Silk Road Economic Belt» (SREB). These concerns relate to fears of the transfer from China to the "belt" countries of excessive capacities of the polluting primaries industries, possible environmental degradation, and the destruction of the traditional way of life as a result of the implementation of mega-projects, and the fragility and vulnerability of many ecosystems along the routes of the prospective throughways between the eastern provinces of China and Europe [Bezrukov, 2016]. Environmental problems are clearly of key importance for the prospects of China 's initiative. The initiative 's program documents have stressed the need to take into account the interests of all parties and act solely on the basis of mutual benefit. The authors briefly consider the variety of natural and socio-economic conditions in the SREB zone and the sharp differences in the degree of economic development of the territory, which require close attention and scientific justification for political and economic decisions. Las diferencias particulares incluyen el régimen de temperatura, la precipitación, la circulación atmosférica moderna, el transporte de partículas materiales y contaminantes, las salmueras, la vegetación, el uso de la tierra y los riesgos de desertificación en la zona SREB. The potential of complementarity of the natural resources of China and a number of neighboring countries may be realized. The paper also discusses China 's present policy in the transition to sustainable development and its underlying concepts and achievements, especially at the level of regions and cities, including the concept of «ecological civilization» and the six stages of greening of cities. The authors believe that tourism related activities should be coordinated specifically at the city level as part of "green development.» It is necessary to create free economic zones in the «economic corridors» along the planned transcontinental lines and utilize the existing national special zones. Search zones are particularly effective in border regions and cities. In conclusion, it is recommended to develop international research networks in the Sreb zone, to establish an International Data Center, and to collect, organize, exchange, and publish jointly scientific information on the problems of transition to sustainable development.



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Translated title (Arabic)
أنماط التنمية الخضراء للحزام والطريق
Translated title (English)
Translated title (French)
Translated title (Spanish)



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