Published December 5, 2012 | Version v1
Publication Open

Respuesta ambiental en el Pacífico frente a la subducción de la dorsal asísmica de Cocos (Panamá y Costa Rica)

  • 1. Universidad de Panamá


Environmental response in the Pacific to aseismic Cocos Ridge subduction (Panama and Costa Rica). The evolution of the marine communities along the Pacific coast of Central America, may have changed in response to the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. To evaluate the effect of the Aseismic Cocos Ridge (DAC) subduction on the marine benthic communities, we reconstructed benthic assemblages from Neogene fossiliferous formations in Burica and Nicoya peninsulas of Panama and Costa Rica. Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed by comparing community structure from bulk fossil samples with dredge collections from modern Tropical American seas, using principal component analysis. Our results indicate that during the early Pliocene, before the closing of the Isthmus, some oceanic islands existed with moderate upwelling in the Burica region. After the closure, during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene the collision of the DAC caused an uplift of the seafloor, where water depth of 2 300m became shallow waters of less than 40m depth. Meanwhile, upwelling intensified in the open ocean the uplift that had formed small islands in coastal areas of Burica, creating protected areas and limiting the upwelling effect that was given in open ocean. The subduction of the DAC continued until the islands were joined to the mainland and gradually disappeared, allowing the return of the upwelling. During the middle Pleistocene a second process of accelerated uplift with speeds of 8m/1 000 years provoked again the elevation of the seafloor and later the elevation of the Talamanca Range. The new range formed a barrier that blocked the passage of the Trade winds, created new ecological conditions and optimized and allowed the growth of the best coral reefs in the coasts of the tropical Eastern Pacific (POT) between Panama and Costa Rica.

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

الاستجابة البيئية في المحيط الهادئ لانحدار كوكوس ريدج الزلزالي (بنما وكوستاريكا). قد يكون تطور المجتمعات البحرية على طول ساحل المحيط الهادئ في أمريكا الوسطى قد تغير استجابة لتشكيل برزخ بنما. لتقييم تأثير الاندساس في سلسلة جبال كوكوس الزلزالية (DAC) على المجتمعات القاعية البحرية، قمنا بإعادة بناء التجمعات القاعية من التكوينات الأحفورية لنيوجين في شبه جزيرة بوريكا ونيكويا في بنما وكوستاريكا. تمت إعادة بناء الظروف البيئية القديمة والبيئية القديمة من خلال مقارنة بنية المجتمع من عينات الأحافير السائبة مع مجموعات الجرافات من بحار أمريكا الاستوائية الحديثة، باستخدام تحليل المكونات الرئيسية. تشير نتائجنا إلى أنه خلال أوائل العصر البليوسيني، قبل إغلاق البرزخ، كانت بعض الجزر المحيطية موجودة مع ارتفاع معتدل في منطقة بوريكا. بعد الإغلاق، خلال أواخر العصر البليوسيني وأوائل العصر البليستوسيني، تسبب اصطدام DAC في رفع قاع البحر، حيث أصبح عمق المياه البالغ 2300 متر مياه ضحلة بعمق أقل من 40 مترًا. وفي الوقت نفسه، كثفت الموجات الصاعدة في المحيط المفتوح الارتفاع الذي شكل جزرًا صغيرة في المناطق الساحلية في بوريكا، مما أدى إلى إنشاء مناطق محمية والحد من تأثير الموجات الصاعدة الذي حدث في المحيط المفتوح. استمر هبوط لجنة المساعدة الإنمائية حتى تم ضم الجزر إلى البر الرئيسي واختفت تدريجياً، مما سمح بعودة ارتفاع المياه. خلال العصر الجليدي الأوسط، أثارت عملية ثانية من الرفع المتسارع بسرعات 8 أمتار/1000 سنة مرة أخرى ارتفاع قاع البحر ثم ارتفاع نطاق تالامانكا. شكلت المجموعة الجديدة حاجزًا منع مرور الرياح التجارية، وخلق ظروفًا بيئية جديدة وحسّنت وسمحت بنمو أفضل الشعاب المرجانية في سواحل شرق المحيط الهادئ الاستوائي (POT) بين بنما وكوستاريكا.

Translated Description (English)

Environmental response in the Pacific to aseismic Cocos Ridge subduction (Panama and Costa Rica). The evolution of the marine communities along the Pacific coast of Central America may have changed in response to the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. To evaluate the effect of the Aseismic Cocos Ridge (DAC) subduction on the marine benthic communities, we reconstructed benthic assemblages from Neogene fossiliferous formations in Burica and Nicoya peninsulas of Panama and Costa Rica. Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed by comparing community structure from bulk fossil samples with dredge collections from modern Tropical American seas, using principal component analysis. Our results indicate that during the early Pliocene, before the closing of the Isthmus, some oceanic islands existed with moderate upwelling in the Burica region. After the closure, during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene the collision of the DAC caused an uplift of the seafloor, where water depth of 2 300m became shallow waters of less than 40m depth. Meanwhile, upwelling intensified in the open ocean the uplift that had formed small islands in coastal areas of Burica, creating protected areas and limiting the upwelling effect that was given in open ocean. The subduction of the DAC continued until the islands were joined to the mainland and gradually disappeared, allowing the return of the upwelling. During the middle Pleistocene a second process of accelerated uplift with speeds of 8m/1,000 years provoked again the elevation of the seafloor and later the elevation of the Talamanca Range. The new range formed a barrier that blocked the passage of the Trade winds, created new ecological conditions and optimized and allowed the growth of the best coral reefs in the coasts of the tropical Eastern Pacific (POT) between Panama and Costa Rica.

Translated Description (French)

Réponse environnementale dans le Pacifique à la subduction asemisique de Cocos Ridge (Panama et Costa Rica). The evolution of the marine communities along the Pacific coast of Central America, may have changed in response to the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. To evaluate the effect of the Aseismic Cocos Ridge (DAC) subduction on the marine benthic communities, we reconstructed benthic assemblages from Neogene fossiliferous formations in Burica and Nicoya peninsulas of Panama and Costa Rica. Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed by comparing community structure from bulk fossil samples with dredge collections from modern Tropical American seas, using principal component analysis. Our results indicate that during the early Pliocene, before the closing of the Isthmus, some oceanic islands existe with moderate upwelling in the Burica region. After the closure, during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene the collision of the DAC caused an uplift of the seafloor, where water depth of 2 300m became shallow waters of less than 40m depth. Meanwhile, upwelling intensified in the open ocean the uplift that had formed small islands in coastal areas of Burica, creating protected areas and limiting the upwelling effect that was given in open ocean. The subduction of the DAC continued until the islands were joined to the mainland and gradually disappeared, allowing the return of the upwelling. During the middle Pleistocene a second process of accelerated uplift with speeds of 8m/1 000 years provoked again the elevation of the seafloor and later the elevation of the Talamanca Range. The new range formd a barrier that blocked the passage of the Trade winds, created new ecological conditions and optimized and allowed the growth of the best coral reefs in the coasts of the tropical Eastern Pacific (POT) between Panama and Costa Rica.



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Translated title (Arabic)
الاستجابة البيئية في المحيط الهادئ ضد غرق سلسلة جبال كوكوس الزلزالية (بنما وكوستاريكا)
Translated title (English)
Environmental response in the Pacific against the subduction of the Cocos seismic ridge (Panama and Costa Rica)
Translated title (French)
Réponse environnementale dans le Pacifique face à la subduction de la dorsale asismique de Cocos (Panama et Costa Rica)



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