Published July 30, 2012 | Version v1
Publication Open


  • 1. National Space Activities Commission
  • 2. Earth and Space Research
  • 3. Seattle University


Abstract. The SAC-D/Aquarius satellite was launched in June 10, 2011. It's a joint mission between Argentina (through CONAE) and US (NASA). This satellite is a true Observatory with a suite of sensors for Earth Observation, its weight is 1400 kg, sun-synchronous orbit at 657 km (6 pm ascendant node), revisit of seven days. Other space agencies have contributed with instruments and support (facilities and ground segment), as CNES, CSI, ASI and AEB/INPE. The primary objective is to monitor global variations in ocean surface salinity (SSS) in order to improve the knowledge about ocean circulation, water cycle and climate. The SSS is performed with Aquarius instrument (NASA). Other oceanic and atmospheric parameters are measured with a MWR, from CONAE, in K and Ka band, as wind speed, rain rate, sea ice, water vapour and liquid water in clouds. The thermal camera (NIRST) estimates sea surface temperature and detect high temperature events (fires and volcanic eruptions). The High Sensitivity Camera (HSC) generates night images (very useful for fishery activity monitoring in the sea, studying of electrical storms, polar auroras and urban application). The DCS (Data Collection System, from CONAE) can receive meteorological and environmental data from ground platforms and distribute among users. The TDP (Technological Demonstration Package, from CONAE) measures different parameters of satellite position and velocity. Other two important instruments are ROSA (from Italy) and CARMEN 1 (from France). The first is an atmospheric sounder, it allows elaborating atmospheric profiles of temperature, pressure and humidity, and the second has detectors for studies of space debris and the effects of radiation on electronic devices. This work provides a review of the first year of data, including the status of calibration and validation, other finding and at the same time we want to present the progress in the active educational and outreach program including the information of SAC-D Aquarius Mission.

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

الملخص: تم إطلاق القمر الصناعي SAC - D/Aquarius في 10 يونيو 2011. إنها مهمة مشتركة بين الأرجنتين (من خلال CONAE) والولايات المتحدة (ناسا). هذا القمر الصناعي هو مرصد حقيقي يحتوي على مجموعة من أجهزة الاستشعار لرصد الأرض، ويبلغ وزنه 1400 كجم، ومدار متزامن مع الشمس عند 657 كم (عقدة صاعدة 6 مساءً)، ويعيد النظر لمدة سبعة أيام. ساهمت وكالات الفضاء الأخرى بالأدوات والدعم (المرافق والجزء الأرضي)، مثل CNES و CSI و ASI و AEB/INPE. الهدف الأساسي هو رصد التغيرات العالمية في ملوحة سطح المحيطات (SSS) من أجل تحسين المعرفة حول دوران المحيطات ودورة المياه والمناخ. يتم تنفيذ SSS مع أداة الدلو (ناسا). يتم قياس المعلمات المحيطية والغلاف الجوي الأخرى باستخدام MWR، من CONAE، في النطاق K و Ka، مثل سرعة الرياح ومعدل الأمطار والجليد البحري وبخار الماء والماء السائل في السحب. تقدر الكاميرا الحرارية (NIRST) درجة حرارة سطح البحر وتكتشف أحداث درجات الحرارة المرتفعة (الحرائق والانفجارات البركانية). تولد الكاميرا عالية الحساسية (HSC) صورًا ليلية (مفيدة جدًا لمراقبة نشاط مصايد الأسماك في البحر، ودراسة العواصف الكهربائية، والشفق القطبي والتطبيق الحضري). يمكن لـ DCS (نظام جمع البيانات، من CONAE) تلقي بيانات الأرصاد الجوية والبيئية من المنصات الأرضية وتوزيعها بين المستخدمين. تقيس TDP (حزمة العرض التكنولوجي، من CONAE) معلمات مختلفة لموقع القمر الصناعي وسرعته. هناك أداتان مهمتان أخريان هما روزا (من إيطاليا) وكارمن 1 (من فرنسا). الأول هو مسبار جوي، يسمح بتفصيل ملامح الغلاف الجوي لدرجة الحرارة والضغط والرطوبة، والثاني يحتوي على كاشفات لدراسات الحطام الفضائي وتأثيرات الإشعاع على الأجهزة الإلكترونية. يوفر هذا العمل مراجعة للسنة الأولى من البيانات، بما في ذلك حالة المعايرة والتحقق من الصحة، والنتائج الأخرى، وفي الوقت نفسه نريد تقديم التقدم المحرز في برنامج التعليم والتوعية النشط بما في ذلك معلومات مهمة SAC - D Aquarius.

Translated Description (English)

Abstract. The SAC-D/Aquarius satellite was launched on June 10, 2011. It's a joint mission between Argentina (through CONAE) and US (NASA). This satellite is a true Observatory with a suite of sensors for Earth Observation, its weight is 1400 kg, sun-synchronous orbit at 657 km (6 pm ascendant node), revisit of seven days. Other space agencies have contributed with instruments and support (facilities and ground segment), as CNES, CSI, ASI and AEB/INPE. The primary objective is to monitor global variations in ocean surface salinity (SSS) in order to improve the knowledge about ocean circulation, water cycle and climate. The SSS is performed with Aquarius instrument (NASA). Other oceanic and atmospheric parameters are measured with a MWR, from CONAE, in K and Ka band, as wind speed, rain rate, sea ice, water vapour and liquid water in clouds. The thermal camera (NIRST) estimates sea surface temperature and detects high temperature events (fires and volcanic eruptions). The High Sensitivity Camera (HSC) generates night images (very useful for fishery activity monitoring in the sea, studying electrical storms, polar auroras and urban application). The DCS (Data Collection System, from CONAE) can receive meteorological and environmental data from ground platforms and distribute among users. The TDP (Technological Demonstration Package, from CONAE) measures different parameters of satellite position and velocity. Other two important instruments are ROSA (from Italy) and CARMEN 1 (from France). The first is an atmospheric sounder, it allows elaborating atmospheric profiles of temperature, pressure and humidity, and the second has detectors for studies of space debris and the effects of radiation on electronic devices. This work provides a review of the first year of data, including the status of calibration and validation, other finding and at the same time we want to present the progress in the active educational and outreach program including the information of SAC-D Aquarius Mission.

Translated Description (French)

Abstract. The SAC-D/Aquarius satellite was launched in June 10, 2011. It' s a joint mission between Argentina (through CONAE) and US (NASA). This satellite is a true Observatory with a suite of sensors for Earth Observation, its weight is 1400 kg, sun-synchronous orbit at 657 km (6 pm ascendant node), revisit of seven days. D'autres agences spatiales ont contribué avec des instruments et un soutien (installations et segment terrestre), tels que le CNES, le CSI, l'ASI et l'AEB/INPE. The primary objective is to monitor global variations in ocean surface salinity (SSS) in order to improve the knowledge about ocean circulation, water cycle and climate. The SSS is performed with Aquarius instrument (NASA). D'autres paramètres océaniques et atmosphériques sont mesurés avec un MWR, de la CONAE, dans la bande K et Ka, comme la vitesse du vent, le taux de pluie, la glace de mer, la vapeur d'eau et l'eau liquide dans les nuages. The thermal camera (NIRST) estime sea surface temperature and detect high temperature events (fires and volcanic eruptions). The High Sensitivity Camera (HSC) generates night images (very useful for fishery activity monitoring in the sea, studying of electrical storms, polar auroras and urban application). The DCS (Data Collection System, from CONAE) can receive meteorological and environmental data from ground platforms and distribute among users. The TDP (Technological Demonstration Package, from CONAE) measures different parameters of satellite position and velocity. D'autres deux instruments importants sont ROSA (d'Italie) et CARMEN 1 (de France). The first is an atmospheric sounder, it allows elaborating atmospheric profiles of temperature, pressure and humidity, and the second has detectors for studies of space debris and the effects of radiation on electronic devices. This work provides a review of the first year of data, including the status of calibration and validation, other finding and at the same time we want to present the progress in the active educational and outreach program including the information of SAC-D Aquarius Mission.

Translated Description (Spanish)

Abstract. The SAC-D/Aquarius satellite was launched in June 10, 2011. It's a joint mission between Argentina (through CONAE) and US (NASA). This satellite is a true Observatory with a suite of sensors for Earth Observation, its weight is 1400 kg, sun-synchronous orbit at 657 km (6 pm ascendant node), revisit of seven days. Otras agencias espaciales han contribuido con instrumentos y apoyo (instalaciones y segmento de tierra), como CNES, CSI, asi y AEB/INPE. El objetivo principal es supervisar las variaciones globales en la salinidad de la superficie oceánica (SSS) para mejorar el conocimiento sobre la circulación oceánica, el ciclo del agua y el clima. The SSS is performed with Aquarius instrument (NASA). Other oceanic and atmospheric parameters are measured with a MWR, from CONAE, in K and Ka band, as wind speed, rain rate, sea ice, water vapour and liquid water in clouds. The thermal camera (NIRST) estimates sea surface temperature and detect high temperature events (fires and volcanic eruptions). The High Sensitivity Camera (HSC) generates night images (very useful for fishery activity monitoring in the sea, studying of electrical storms, polar auroras and urban application). The DCS (Data Collection System, from CONAE) can receive meteorological and environmental data from ground platforms and distribute among users. The TDP (Technological Demonstration Package, from CONAE) measures different parameters of satellite position and velocity. Other two important instruments are ROSA (from Italy) and CARMEN 1 (from France). The first is an atmospheric sounder, it allows elaborating atmospheric profiles of temperature, pressure and humidity, and the second has detectors for studies of space debris and the effects of radiation on electronic devices. This work provides a review of the first year of data, including the status of calibration and validation, other finding and at the same time we want to present the progress in the active educational and outreach program including the information of SAC-D Aquarius Mission.



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