Published March 1, 2016 | Version v1
Publication Open

Tendencias espaciales y temporales en la distribución de macronutrientes en aguas superficiales del Pasaje Drake

  • 1. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagónico


The Drake Passage (DP) links the Southern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and acts as a physical narrowing for the largest current of the World Ocean, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). This result in a constriction of the main circumpolar fronts related to the ACC: the Subantarctic Front, the Polar Front, the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front and the Continental Water Boundary Front. Previous studies showed that the DP is a high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) region, but studies on the interannual and seasonal macronutrients' fluctuations in relation with chlorophyll and frontal areas in the DP are scarce. This study analyzes the spatial and temporal trends of nitrate, phosphate, and silicate on surface samples from 113 oceanographic stations in the DP during summer and early fall of 2001 to 2004, in relation with the different fronts and chlorophyll-a concentration. The results revealed an increase of nutrients towards the south. Nitrate showed values from 3 μM at 55º S to 27 μM at 63º S, whereas values from 0.3 μM at 55º S to 2.6 μM at 63º S were observed for phosphate. Silicate increased considerably south of Polar Front, from 0 μM at 55º S to 74 μM at 62º S. The nutrients concentration was significantly higher in summer than in early fall and showed a trend to decrease over the studied years. A complex sum of biogeochemical processes would generate the main seasonal trends, while atmospheric-oceanic processes such as Southern Annular Mode and El Niño Southern Oscillation, would be responsible of observed nutrients interannual variability.

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

يربط ممر دريك (DP) جنوب المحيط الهادئ والمحيط الأطلسي، ويعمل بمثابة تضييق مادي لأكبر تيار في المحيط العالمي، وهو التيار القطبي الجنوبي (ACC). وينتج عن ذلك انقباض في الجبهات الرئيسية حول القطبية المتعلقة بالقشرة الحزامية الأمامية: الجبهة تحت القطبية، والجبهة القطبية، وجبهة التيارات حول القطبية الجنوبية، وجبهة الحدود المائية القارية. أظهرت الدراسات السابقة أن DP هي منطقة منخفضة الكلوروفيل (HNLC) عالية المغذيات، ولكن الدراسات حول تقلبات المغذيات الكبيرة السنوية والموسمية فيما يتعلق بالكلوروفيل والمناطق الأمامية في DP نادرة. تحلل هذه الدراسة الاتجاهات المكانية والزمانية للنترات والفوسفات والسيليكات على عينات سطحية من 113 محطة أوقيانوغرافية في DP خلال الصيف وأوائل الخريف من 2001 إلى 2004، فيما يتعلق بالجبهات المختلفة وتركيز الكلوروفيل. وكشفت النتائج عن زيادة في المغذيات نحو الجنوب. أظهر النترات قيمًا من 3 ميكرومتر عند 55 درجة فهرنهايت إلى 27 ميكرومتر عند 63 درجة فهرنهايت، في حين لوحظت قيم من 0.3 ميكرومتر عند 55 درجة فهرنهايت إلى 2.6 ميكرومتر عند 63 درجة فهرنهايت للفوسفات. زادت السيليكات بشكل كبير جنوب الجبهة القطبية، من 0 ميكرومتر عند 55 درجة جنوبا إلى 74 ميكرومتر عند 62 درجة جنوبا. كان تركيز المغذيات أعلى بكثير في الصيف منه في أوائل الخريف وأظهر اتجاهًا نحو الانخفاض على مر السنين التي تمت دراستها. من شأن مجموعة معقدة من العمليات الجيوكيميائية الحيوية أن تولد الاتجاهات الموسمية الرئيسية، في حين أن العمليات الجوية المحيطية مثل الوضع الحلقي الجنوبي والتذبذب الجنوبي لظاهرة النينيو ستكون مسؤولة عن التباين الملحوظ بين المغذيات السنوية.

Translated Description (English)

The Drake Passage (DP) links the Southern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and acts as a physical narrowing for the largest current of the World Ocean, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). This results in a constriction of the main circumpolar fronts related to the ACC: the Subantarctic Front, the Polar Front, the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front and the Continental Water Boundary Front. Previous studies showed that the DP is a high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) region, but studies on the interannual and seasonal macronutrients' fluctuations in relation to chlorophyll and frontal areas in the DP are scarce. This study analyzes the spatial and temporal trends of nitrate, phosphate, and silicate on surface samples from 113 oceanographic stations in the DP during summer and early fall of 2001 to 2004, in relation to the different fronts and chlorophyll-a concentration. The results revealed an increase in nutrients towards the south. Nitrate showed values from 3 μM at 55º S to 27 μM at 63º S, whereas values from 0.3 μM at 55º S to 2.6 μM at 63º S were observed for phosphate. Silicate increased considerably south of Polar Front, from 0 μM at 55º S to 74 μM at 62º S. The nutrient concentration was significantly higher in summer than in early fall and showed a trend to decrease over the years studied. A complex sum of biogeochemical processes would generate the main seasonal trends, while atmospheric-oceanic processes such as Southern Annular Mode and El Niño Southern Oscillation would be responsible for observed nutrients interannual variability.

Translated Description (French)

The Drake Passage (DP) links the Southern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and acts as a physical narrowing for the larget current of the World Ocean, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). This result in a constriction of the main circumpolar fronts related to the ACC : the Subantarctic Front, the Polar Front, the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front and the Continental Water Boundary Front. Previous studies showed that the DP is a high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) region, but studies on the interannual and seasonal macronutrients' fluctuations in relation with chlorophyll and frontal areas in the DP are scarce. This study analyszes the spatial and temporal trends of nitrate, phosphate, and silicate on surface samples from 113 oceanographic stations in the DP during summer and early fall of 2001 to 2004, in relation with the different fronts and chlorophyll-a concentration. The results revealed an increase of nutrients towards the south. Nitrate showed values from 3 μM at 55º S to 27 μM at 63º S, whereas values from 0.3 μM at 55º S to 2.6 μM at 63º S were observéd for phosphate. Silicate increased considerably south of Polar Front, from 0 μM at 55º S to 74 μM at 62º S. The nutrients concentration was significantly higher in summer than in early fall and showed a trend to decrease over the studied years. A complex sum of biogeochemical processes would generate the main seasonal trends, while atmospheric-oceanic processes such as Southern Annular Mode and El Niño Southern Oscillation, would be responsible of observed nutrients interannual variability.



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Translated title (Arabic)
الاتجاهات المكانية والزمانية في توزيع المغذيات الكبيرة في المياه السطحية لممر دريك
Translated title (English)
Spatial and temporal trends in macronutrient distribution in surface waters of the Drake Passage
Translated title (French)
Tendances spatiales et temporelles dans la distribution des macronutriments dans les eaux de surface du Passage Drake



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