Published November 18, 2020 | Version v1
Publication Open


  • 1. China University of Geosciences
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying Mapping and Remote Sensing
  • 3. Wuhan University
  • 4. National University of Sciences and Technology
  • 5. COMSATS University Islamabad
  • 6. Aerospace Information Research Institute


Abstract. Glaciers are storehouses for freshwater. Glaciers Monitoring is one of the most important research areas especially when climate change has been accelerated snowmelt process. The major goal of research was to find snow cover trend for glaciated regions of Pakistan followed by estimation of snow mass balance. The area chosen for it was Upper Indus basin, which includes ranges of Hindukush, Karakoram and Himalayas extended in Pakistan, India and China. This region exhibits high topographic relief and climate change variability. Snow cover trend analysis was performed for eleven years ranging from 2004 to 2014 using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data imagery product with daily temporal resolution. These results were combined with respective year's average monthly temperature. Further quantitative analysis was performed to relate presence of greater vegetation as an indication of greater snowmelt using Landsat Imagery for these years. Snow mass balance curves reveal that glaciers are regaining their mass balance after losing mass balance in middle of last decade. In addition to that, only freely available data is used for this study. This purpose behind this approach is to prove RS and GIS has an effective and low-cost tool for snow cover monitoring, also mass balance calculations. Continuous monitoring of snow cover dynamics is effective for prediction and mitigation of hazards associated with areas in proximity of glaciated regions. One common hazard is glacial lake outburst phenomenon, which cause severe flash flooding in downstream areas. Year 2004 has the lowest mass snow balance and 2014 has the highest snow mass balance. These different parameters were analysed and results show that snow start melting in months of May and June and faster melting rate observed in months of July and August. With the advancement in computing technologies, it has been easier for computers to handle and manipulate massive datasets. Remote sensing has proved to be an excellent tool for extraction of data from glaciers, snow and oceans for remote areas. In particular, snow cover/snowmelt can tell us continuously changing melting patterns, which helps concerned authorities to take necessary measures for preserving these storehouses of water and to mitigate effect of global warming.

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

الملخص: الأنهار الجليدية هي مخازن للمياه العذبة. يعد رصد الأنهار الجليدية أحد أهم مجالات البحث، خاصة عندما يتم تسريع عملية ذوبان الثلوج بسبب تغير المناخ. كان الهدف الرئيسي من البحث هو العثور على اتجاه الغطاء الثلجي للمناطق الجليدية في باكستان متبوعًا بتقدير توازن الكتلة الثلجية. كانت المنطقة المختارة لذلك هي حوض السند الأعلى، والذي يشمل نطاقات من هندوكوش وكاراكورام وجبال الهيمالايا الممتدة في باكستان والهند والصين. تُظهر هذه المنطقة ارتفاعًا في التضاريس وتقلبات تغير المناخ. تم إجراء تحليل اتجاه الغطاء الثلجي لمدة أحد عشر عامًا تتراوح من 2004 إلى 2014 باستخدام منتج صور بيانات مقياس الطيف التصويري متوسط الدقة (MODIS) مع دقة زمنية يومية. تم دمج هذه النتائج مع متوسط درجة الحرارة الشهرية للسنة المعنية. تم إجراء مزيد من التحليل الكمي لربط وجود المزيد من الغطاء النباتي كمؤشر على ذوبان الثلوج بشكل أكبر باستخدام Landsat Imagery لهذه السنوات. تكشف منحنيات توازن الكتلة الثلجية أن الأنهار الجليدية تستعيد توازنها الكتلي بعد أن فقدت توازن الكتلة في منتصف العقد الماضي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يتم استخدام البيانات المتاحة مجانًا فقط لهذه الدراسة. هذا الغرض من وراء هذا النهج هو إثبات أن RS و GIS لديها أداة فعالة ومنخفضة التكلفة لرصد الغطاء الثلجي، أي حسابات توازن الكتلة. الرصد المستمر لديناميات الغطاء الثلجي فعال للتنبؤ بالمخاطر المرتبطة بالمناطق القريبة من المناطق المتجمدة والتخفيف من حدتها. أحد المخاطر الشائعة هو ظاهرة انفجار البحيرة الجليدية، والتي تسبب فيضانات مفاجئة شديدة في مناطق المصب. عام 2004 لديه أدنى توازن للثلوج الجماعية وعام 2014 لديه أعلى توازن للكتلة الثلجية. تم تحليل هذه المعلمات المختلفة وأظهرت النتائج أن الثلوج تبدأ في الذوبان في شهري مايو ويونيو ومعدل ذوبان أسرع لوحظ في شهري يوليو وأغسطس. مع التقدم في تقنيات الحوسبة، أصبح من الأسهل على أجهزة الكمبيوتر التعامل مع مجموعات البيانات الضخمة ومعالجتها. أثبت الاستشعار عن بعد أنه أداة ممتازة لاستخراج البيانات من الأنهار الجليدية والثلوج والمحيطات للمناطق النائية. على وجه الخصوص، يمكن أن يخبرنا الغطاء الثلجي/ذوبان الثلوج بأنماط الذوبان المتغيرة باستمرار، مما يساعد السلطات المعنية على اتخاذ التدابير اللازمة للحفاظ على مستودعات المياه هذه والتخفيف من تأثير الاحترار العالمي.

Translated Description (English)

Abstract. Glaciers are storehouses for freshwater. Glaciers Monitoring is one of the most important research areas, especially when climate change has been accelerated snowmelt process. The major goal of research was to find snow cover trend for glaciated regions of Pakistan followed by estimation of snow mass balance. The area chosen for it was Upper Indus basin, which includes ranges of Hindukush, Karakoram and Himalayas extended in Pakistan, India and China. This region exhibits high topographic relief and climate change variability. Snow cover trend analysis was performed for eleven years ranging from 2004 to 2014 using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data imagery product with daily temporal resolution. These results were combined with the respective year's average monthly temperature. Further quantitative analysis was performed to relate presence of greater vegetation as an indication of greater snowmelt using Landsat Imagery for these years. Snow mass balance curves reveal that glaciers are regaining their mass balance after losing mass balance in the middle of last decade. In addition to that, only freely available data is used for this study. This purpose behind this approach is to prove RS and GIS has an effective and low-cost tool for snow cover monitoring, i.e. mass balance calculations. Continuous monitoring of snow cover dynamics is effective for prediction and mitigation of hazards associated with areas in the vicinity of glaciated regions. One common hazard is glacial lake outburst phenomenon, which causes severe flash flooding in downstream areas. Year 2004 has the lowest mass snow balance and 2014 has the highest snow mass balance. These different parameters were analysed and results show that snow start melting in months of May and June and faster melting rate observed in months of July and August. With the advancement in computing technologies, it has been easier for computers to handle and manipulate massive datasets. Remote sensing has proven to be an excellent tool for extraction of data from glaciers, snow and oceans for remote areas. In particular, snow cover/snowmelt can tell us continuously changing melting patterns, which helps concerned authorities to take necessary measures for preserving these storehouses of water and to mitigate the effect of global warming.

Translated Description (French)

Résumé. Glaciers are storehouses for freshwater. Glaciers Monitoring is one of the most important research areas especially when climate change has been accelerated snowmelt process. L'objectif principal de la recherche était de trouver la tendance de la couverture de neige pour les régions glacées du Pakistan suivie par l'estimation de l'équilibre de la masse de neige. The area chosen for it was Upper Indus basin, which includes ranges of Hindukush, Karakoram and Himalayas extended in Pakistan, India and China. This region exhibits high topographic relief and climate change variability. Snow cover trend analysis was performed for eleven years ranging from 2004 to 2014 using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data imagery product with daily temporal resolution. Ces résultats ont été combinés avec la température moyenne mensuelle de l'année respective. Further quantitative analysis was performed to relate presence of greater végétation as an indication of greater snowmelt using Landsat Imagery for these years. Snow mass balance curves reveal that glaciers are regaining their mass balance after losing mass balance in middle of last decade. En plus de cela, seules les données librement disponibles sont utilisées pour cette étude. This purpose behind this approach is to prove RS and GIS has an effective and low-cost tool for snow cover monitoring, also mass balance calculations. La surveillance continue de la dynamique de la couverture de neige est efficace pour la prévision et l'atténuation des risques associés aux zones proches des régions glacées. One common hazard is glacial lake outburst phenomenon, which cause severe flash flooding in downstream areas. L'année 2004 a le plus bas équilibre de neige de masse et 2014 a le plus haut équilibre de neige de masse. These different parameters were analysed and results show that snow start melting in months of May and June and faster melting rate observed in months of July and August. With the advancement in computing technologies, it has been easier for computers to handle and manipulate massive datasets. Remote sensing has proved to be an excellent tool for extraction of data from glaciers, snow and oceans for remote areas. In particular, snow cover/snowmelt can tell us continuously changing melting patterns, which helps concerned authorities to take necessary measures for preserving these storehouses of water and to mitigate effect of global warming.

Translated Description (Spanish)

Abstract. Glaciers are storehouses for freshwater. La supervisión de los glaciares es una de las áreas de investigación más importantes específicamente cuando el cambio climático se ha acelerado el proceso de fusión de la nieve. The major goal of research was to find snow cover trend for glaciated regions of Pakistan followed by estimation of snow mass balance. The area chosen for it was Upper Indus basin, which includes ranges of Hindukush, Karakoram and Himalayas extended in Pakistan, India and China. This region exhibits high topographic relief and climate change variability. Snow cover trend analysis was performed for eleven years ranging from 2004 to 2014 using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data imagery product with daily temporal resolution. These results were combined with respective year's average monthly temperature. Further quantitative analysis was performed to relate presence of greater vegetation as an indication of greater snowmelt using Landsat Imagery for these years. Snow mass balance curves reveal that glaciers are regaining their mass balance after losing mass balance in middle of last decade. In addition to that, only freely available data is used for this study. This purpose behind this approach is to prove RS and GIS has an effective and low-cost tool for snow cover monitoring, es decir, cálculos de balance de masas. El monitoreo continuo de la dinámica de la cubierta de nieve es eficaz para la predicción y mitigación de los riesgos asociados con las áreas en la proximidad de las regiones glaciares. One common hazard is glacial lake outburst phenomenon, which cause severe flash flooding in downstream areas. Year 2004 has the lowest mass snow balance and 2014 has the highest snow mass balance. These different parameters were analysed and results show that snow start melting in months of May and June and faster melting rate observed in months of July and August. With the advancement in computing technologies, it has been easier for computers to handle and manipulate massive datasets. Remote sensing has proved to be an excellent tool for extraction of data from glaciers, snow and oceans for remote areas. In particular, snow cover/snowmelt can tell us continuously changing melting patterns, which helps concerned authorities to take necessary measures for preserving these storehouses of water and to mitigate effect of global warming.



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Translated title (Arabic)
التحقيق في اختلافات ديناميكيات الغلاف الجليدي في حوض السند العلوي باستخدام الاستشعار عن بعد ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية
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Translated title (French)
Translated title (Spanish)



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