Published December 8, 2017 | Version v1
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Los erizos Arbacia incisa y Eucidaris thouarsii (Echinodermata) como agentes de biocontrol del "fouling" en canastas de cultivo de Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca: Ostreidae)

  • 1. Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral


The sea urchins Arbacia incisa and Eucidaris thouarsii (Echinodermata) as fouling biocontrol agents in culture cages of Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca: Ostreidae).Fouling clogs cultivation cages of bivalves afecting their growth. We tested biocontrol with sea urchins in the suspended culture of C. gigas during one month. The experimental design included: 1) oysters without sea urchins, 2) oysters with the black sea urchin Arbacia incisa (50.5 ± 0.43 mm of diameter testa-DT), 3) oysters with the pencil sea urchin E. thouarsii (34. 2 ± 2.13 mm DT) and 4) oysters without sea urchins with a pearl net protective bag (to avoid predation). The dry mass of the pearl nets and the oyster soft tissues were determined at the beginning and end of the experiment. There was similar fouling in cages without urchins (55.3 ± 5.80 g) and with A. incisa (46.1 ± 2.84 g). These amounts were significantly higher than those found in cages with E. thouarsii (39.1 ± 1.9 g) and with protective sacs without urchins (35.6 ± 5.17 g). The growth of C. gigas with E. thouarsii was significantly higher (0.49 ± 0.089 g). We recommend E. thouarsii as a fouling biocontrol agent for C. gigas. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65(Suppl. 1): S35-S41. Epub 2017 November 01.

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Translated Description (Arabic)

قنافذ البحر Arbacia incisa و Eucidaris thouarsii (Echinodermata) كعوامل مكافحة حيوية ملوثة في أقفاص زراعة Crassostrea gigas (الرخويات: Ostreidae). تسد القاذورات أقفاص زراعة ذات الصدفتين مما يؤثر على نموها. اختبرنا المكافحة الحيوية مع قنافذ البحر في مزرعة C. gigas المعلقة خلال شهر واحد. تضمن التصميم التجريبي: 1) محار بدون قنافذ البحر، 2) محار مع قنفذ البحر الأسود Arbacia incisa (50.5 ± 0.43 mm in diameter head - DT)، 3) محار مع قلم رصاص قنفذ البحر E. thouarsii (34.2 ± 2.13 mm DT) و 4) محار بدون قنافذ البحر مع حقيبة واقية من شبكة اللؤلؤ (لتجنب الافتراس). تم تحديد الكتلة الجافة لشباك اللؤلؤ والأنسجة الرخوة للمحار في بداية ونهاية التجربة. كان هناك تلوث مماثل في الأقفاص بدون قنافذ (55.3 ± 5.80 جم) ومع شق A. (46.1 ± 2.84 جم). كانت هذه الكميات أعلى بكثير من تلك الموجودة في الأقفاص مع E. thouarsii (39.1 ± 1.9 جم) ومع أكياس واقية بدون قنافذ (35.6 ± 5.17 جم). كان نمو C. gigas مع E. thouarsii أعلى بكثير (0.49 ± 0.089 جم). نوصي باستخدام E. thouarsii كعامل مكافحة حيوية ملوث لـ C. gigas. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65(Suppl. 1): S35 - S41. EPUB 2017 نوفمبر 01.

Translated Description (English)

The sea urchins Arbacia incisa and Eucidaris thouarsii (Echinodermata) as fouling biocontrol agents in culture cages of Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca: Ostreidae).Fouling clogs cultivation cages of bivalves affecting their growth. We tested biocontrol with sea urchins in the suspended culture of C. gigas during one month. The experimental design included: 1) oysters without sea urchins, 2) oysters with the black sea urchin Arbacia incisa (50.5 ± 0.43 mm in diameter head-DT), 3) oysters with the pencil sea urchin E. thouarsii (34. 2 ± 2.13 mm DT) and 4) oysters without sea urchins with a pearl net protective bag (to avoid predation). The dry mass of the pearl nets and the oyster soft tissues were determined at the beginning and end of the experiment. There was similar fouling in cages without urchins (55.3 ± 5.80 g) and with incised A. (46.1 ± 2.84 g). These amounts were significantly higher than those found in cages with E. thouarsii (39.1 ± 1.9 g) and with protective sacs without urchins (35.6 ± 5.17 g). The growth of C. gigas with E. thouarsii was significantly higher (0.49 ± 0.089 g). We recommend E. thouarsii as a fouling biocontrol agent for C. gigas. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65(Suppl. 1): S35-S41. Epub 2017 November 01.

Translated Description (French)

The sea urchins Arbacia incisa and Eucidaris thouarsii (Echinodermata) as fouling biocontrol agents in culture cages of Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca : Ostreidae).Fouling clogs cultivation cages of bivalves affecting their growth. We tested biocontrol with sea urchins in the suspended culture of C. gigas during one month. The experimental design included : 1) oysters without sea urchins, 2) oysters with the black sea urchin Arbacia incisa (50.5 ± 0.43 mm of diameter testa-DT), 3) oysters with the pencil sea urchin E. thouarsii (34. 2 ± 2.13 mm DT) and 4) oysters without sea urchins with a pearl net protective bag (to avoid predation). The dry mass of the pearl nets and the oyster soft tissues were determined at the beginning and end of the experiment. There was similar fouling in cages without urchins (55.3 ± 5.80 g) and with A. incisa (46.1 ± 2.84 g). These amounts were significantly higher than those found in cages with E. thouarsii (39.1 ± 1.9 g) and with protective sacs without urchins (35.6 ± 5.17 g). The growth of C. gigas with E. thouarsii was significantly higher (0.49 ± 0.089 g). We recommend E. thouarsii as a fouling biocontrol agent for C. gigas. Rév. Biol. Trop. 65(Suppl. 1) : S35-S41. Epub 2017 November 01.



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Translated title (Arabic)
القنافذ Arbacia incisa و Eucidaris thouarsii (Echinodermata) كعوامل مكافحة حيوية للقاذورات في السلال المتنامية من Crassostrea gigas (الرخويات: Ostreidae)
Translated title (English)
The hedgehogs Arbacia incisa and Eucidaris thouarsii (Echinodermata) as biocontrol agents of fouling in growing baskets of Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca: Ostreidae)
Translated title (French)
Les hérissons Arbacia incisa et Eucidaris thouarsii (Echinodermata) comme agents de biocontrôle du « fouling » dans les paniers de culture de Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca : Ostreidae)



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