Published December 11, 2013 | Version v1
Publication Open

Abundancia de Diadema antillarum (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) en las costas de Venezuela

  • 1. Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • 2. Central University of Venezuela


Diadema antillarum is a shallow-water sea-urchin from the tropical Atlantic whose populations almost disappeared in 1983-84 because of widespread mortalities which reached 87-100 %. In Venezuela, urchin population densities before the mortality event were comparable to those of other Caribbean regions; however, later abundancies remain unknown. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the recent densities of certain D. antillarum populations along the Venezuelan coasts and compare the densities at the Parque Nacional Mochima before and after the mortality. At each location urchin densities were determined by means of transects using 1m2 quadrats as sampling units. The highest mean densities were observed at the sites on the central coast: Ensenada de Oricao, 0.28 ind/m2 (2002) and 1.05 ind/m2 (2003), and Chichiriviche de la Costa, 0.84 ind/m2 (2002) and 0.74 ind/m2 (2003). In Mochima, the mean density before the mortality for D. antillarum oscillated between 0.28 and 4 ind/m2, after the mortality event the mean density varied between 0.15 ind/m2 (2000) and 0.47 ind/m2 (2000). The populations of D. antillarum studied at Parque Nacional Morrocoy and Refugio de Fauna Silvestre Cuare showed highest densities at Playuela (0.43 ind/m2) and Cayo Sur (0.95 ind/m2) respectively, whereas other sites showed densities below 0.1 ind/m2. The density registered at Playuela in 2003 is lower than that reported before the mortality event (0.58-3.64 ind/m2). The density for Parque Nacional Archipiélago de Los Roques,specifically for the Arrecife de Herradura remained constant between 2002 and 2003 with values between 0.22- 0.23 ind/m2 respectively. To conclude, the sea urchin abundancies observed at most of the Venezuelan coastal sites that we studied were higher than those reported for other areas of the northern Caribbean, even though the values have not yet returned to those preceding the 1984 mass-mortality event, due to the slow recovery of the populations.

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Translated Description (Arabic)

الدياديما أنتيلاروم هو قنفذ بحري في المياه الضحلة من المحيط الأطلسي الاستوائي الذي اختفى سكانه تقريبًا في 1983-1984 بسبب الوفيات الواسعة النطاق التي وصلت إلى 87-100 ٪. في فنزويلا، كانت الكثافة السكانية للقنفذ قبل حدوث الوفاة مماثلة لتلك الموجودة في مناطق البحر الكاريبي الأخرى ؛ ومع ذلك، لا تزال الوفرة اللاحقة غير معروفة. كانت أهداف هذه الدراسة هي تقييم الكثافات الحديثة لبعض مجموعات D. antillarum على طول السواحل الفنزويلية ومقارنة الكثافات في حديقة Mochima الوطنية قبل وبعد الوفاة. في كل موقع، تم تحديد كثافة القنفذ عن طريق المقاطع العرضية باستخدام مربعات 1 متر مربع كوحدات أخذ العينات. ولوحظ أعلى متوسط للكثافة في المواقع الواقعة على الساحل الأوسط: إنسينادا دي أوريكاو، 0.28 ind/m2 (2002) و 1.05 ind/m2 (2003)، و Chichiriviche de la Costa، 0.84 ind/m2 (2002) و 0.74 ind/m2 (2003). في Mochima، تذبذب متوسط الكثافة قبل الوفاة لـ D. antillarum بين 0.28 و 4 ind/m2، بعد حدث الوفاة، تفاوت متوسط الكثافة بين 0.15 ind/m2 (2000) و 0.47 ind/m2 (2000). أظهر سكان D. antillarum الذين درسوا في Parque Nacional Morrocoy و Refugio de Fauna Silvestre Cuare أعلى كثافة في Playuela (0.43 ind/m2) و Cayo Sur (0.95 ind/m2) على التوالي، في حين أظهرت مواقع أخرى كثافة أقل من 0.1 ind/m2. الكثافة المسجلة في Playuela في عام 2003 أقل من تلك التي تم الإبلاغ عنها قبل حدث الوفيات (0.58-3.64 بوصة مربعة/متر مربع). ظلت كثافة Parque Nacional Archipiélago de Los Roques،وتحديدًا لـ Arrecife de Herradura ثابتة بين عامي 2002 و 2003 بقيم تتراوح بين 0.22- 0.23 ind/m2 على التوالي. في الختام، كانت وفرة قنافذ البحر التي لوحظت في معظم المواقع الساحلية الفنزويلية التي درسناها أعلى من تلك التي تم الإبلاغ عنها في مناطق أخرى من شمال البحر الكاريبي، على الرغم من أن القيم لم تعد بعد إلى تلك التي سبقت حدث الوفيات الجماعية عام 1984، بسبب الانتعاش البطيء للسكان.

Translated Description (English)

Diadema antillarum is a shallow-water sea-urchin from the tropical Atlantic whose populations almost disappeared in 1983-84 because of widespread mortalities which reached 87-100%. In Venezuela, urchin population densities before the mortality event were comparable to those of other Caribbean regions; however, later abundances remain unknown. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the recent densities of certain D. antillarum populations along the Venezuelan coasts and compare the densities at the Mochima National Park before and after the mortality. At each location urchin densities were determined by means of transects using 1m2 squares as sampling units. The highest mean densities were observed at the sites on the central coast: Ensenada de Oricao, 0.28 ind/m2 (2002) and 1.05 ind/m2 (2003), and Chichiriviche de la Costa, 0.84 ind/m2 (2002) and 0.74 ind/m2 (2003). In Mochima, the mean density before the mortality for D. antillarum oscillated between 0.28 and 4 ind/m2, after the mortality event the mean density varied between 0.15 ind/m2 (2000) and 0.47 ind/m2 (2000). The populations of D. antillarum studied at Parque Nacional Morrocoy and Refugio de Fauna Silvestre Cuare showed highest densities at Playuela (0.43 ind/m2) and Cayo Sur (0.95 ind/m2) respectively, whereas other sites showed densities below 0.1 ind/m2. The density registered at Playuela in 2003 is lower than that reported before the mortality event (0.58-3.64 ind/m2). The density for Parque Nacional Archipiélago de Los Roques,specifically for the Arrecife de Herradura remained constant between 2002 and 2003 with values between 0.22- 0.23 ind/m2 respectively. To conclude, the sea urchin abundances observed at most of the Venezuelan coastal sites that we studied were higher than those reported for other areas of the northern Caribbean, even though the values have not yet returned to those preceding the 1984 mass-mortality event, due to the slow recovery of the populations.

Translated Description (French)

Diadema antillarum is a shallow-water sea-urchin from the tropical Atlantic whose populations almost disappeared in 1983-84 because of widespread mortalities which reached 87-100 %. Au Venezuela, urchin population densities before the mortality event were comparable to those of other Caribbean regions ; however, later abundancies remain unknown. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the recent densities of certain D. antillarum populations along the Venezuelan coasts and compare the densities at the Parque Nacional Mochima before and after the mortality. At each location urchin densities were determined by means of transects using 1m2 quadrats as sampling units. The highest mean densities were observéd at the sites on the central coast : Ensenada de Oricao, 0.28 ind/m2 (2002) and 1.05 ind/m2 (2003), and Chichiriviche de la Costa, 0.84 ind/m2 (2002) and 0.74 ind/m2 (2003). In Mochima, the mean density before the mortality for D. antillarum oscillated between 0.28 and 4 ind/m2, after the mortality event the mean density varied between 0.15 ind/m2 (2000) and 0.47 ind/m2 (2000). The populations of D. antillarum studied at Parque Nacional Morrocoy and Refugio de Fauna Silvestre Cuare showed highest densities at Playuela (0.43 ind/m2) and Cayo Sur (0.95 ind/m2) respectively, whereas other sites showed densities below 0.1 ind/m2. The density registered at Playuela in 2003 is lower than that reportd before the mortality event (0.58-3.64 ind/m2). The density for Parque Nacional Archipiélago de Los Roques,specifically for the Reecife de Herradura remained constant between 2002 and 2003 with values between 0.22- 0.23 ind/m2 respectively. To conclue, the sea urchin abundancies observed at most of the Venezuelan coastal sites that we studied were higher than those reported for other areas of the northern Caribbean, even though the values have not yet returned to those preceding the 1984 mass-mortality event, due to the slow recovery of the populations.



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Translated title (Arabic)
وفرة Diadema antillarum (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) قبالة ساحل فنزويلا
Translated title (English)
Abundance of Diadema antillarum (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) off the coast of Venezuela
Translated title (French)
Abondance de Diadema antillarum (Echinodermata : Echinoidea) sur les côtes du Venezuela



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