Published March 10, 2015 | Version v1
Publication Open

Moluscos en contextos arqueológicos de la costa atlántica de Tierra del Fuego: consumo prehistórico e implicancias de su distribución actual

  • 1. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán
  • 2. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • 3. Research Center on Earth Sciences
  • 4. National University of Tierra del Fuego


This paper analyzes archaeomalacological data from three archaeological sites –two shell middens and an open air site – located northern Río Grande city, in the Fuegian steppe and dated by the middle and late Holocene. This data is compared with the malacofauna coming from other archaeological sites of northern Tierra del Fuego and with the mollusks living in the region today. Six sampling were done nearby the best known archaeological sites with the aim of checking the present distribution of the species. Some interpretations on distribution and palaeoecology of several mollusk species as well as its potential as economic resource for hunter gatherers of Tierra del Fuego are offered.

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

تحلل هذه الورقة البيانات الأثرية من ثلاثة مواقع أثرية - موقعان متوسطان وموقع في الهواء الطلق – تقع شمال مدينة ريو غراندي، في سهول فوجيان ويعود تاريخها إلى العصر الهولوسيني الأوسط والمتأخر. تتم مقارنة هذه البيانات مع حيوانات الملاك القادمة من المواقع الأثرية الأخرى في شمال تييرا ديل فويغو ومع الرخويات التي تعيش في المنطقة اليوم. تم أخذ ست عينات بالقرب من أشهر المواقع الأثرية بهدف التحقق من التوزيع الحالي للأنواع. يتم تقديم بعض التفسيرات حول التوزيع والإيكولوجيا القديمة للعديد من أنواع الرخويات بالإضافة إلى إمكاناتها كمورد اقتصادي لجامعي الصيادين في تييرا ديل فويغو.

Translated Description (English)

This paper analyzes archaeomalacological data from three archaeological sites –two shell middens and an open air site – located northern Rio Grande city, in the Fuegian steppe and dated by the middle and late Holocene. This data is compared with the malacofauna coming from other archaeological sites of northern Tierra del Fuego and with the mollusks living in the region today. Six sampling were done near the best known archaeological sites with the aim of checking the present distribution of the species. Some interpretations on distribution and palaeoecology of several mollusk species as well as its potential as an economic resource for hunter gatherers of Tierra del Fuego are offered.

Translated Description (French)

This paper analyzes archaeomalacological data from three archaeological sites –two shell middens and an open air site – located northern Rio Grande city, in the Fuegian steppe and dated by the middle and late Holocene. This data is compared with the malacofauna coming from other archaeological sites of northern Tierra del Fuego and with the mollusks living in the region today. Six sampling were done nearby the best known archaeological sites with the aim of checking the present distribution of the species. Some interpretations on distribution and palaeoecology of several mollusk species as well as its potential as economic resource for hunter gatherers of Terre de Feu are offered.



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Translated title (Arabic)
الرخويات في السياقات الأثرية على ساحل المحيط الأطلسي في تييرا ديل فويغو: استهلاك ما قبل التاريخ والآثار المترتبة على توزيعها الحالي
Translated title (English)
Molluscs in archaeological contexts on the Atlantic coast of Tierra del Fuego: prehistoric consumption and implications of their current distribution
Translated title (French)
Mollusques dans les contextes archéologiques de la côte atlantique de la Terre de Feu : consommation préhistorique et implications de leur distribution actuelle



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