Published January 1, 2013 | Version v1
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Presencia de Holochilus chacarius Thomas, 1906 (Mammalia, Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) en el Delta Medio del río Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina

  • 1. Instituto de Ecología
  • 2. Fundación Ciencias Exactas y Naturales


Holochilus chacarius Thomas, 1906 (Mammalia, Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) in Middle Delta of the Paraná River, Entre Ríos, Argentina. We describe the presence of Holochilus chacarius in the Victoria Island Zone included in the Middle Ddelta of the Paraná Rriver (Entre Rríos, Argentina). We collected and analysed pellets of the Striped Oowl (Pseudoscops clamator). All cranio dental items that were identified and measured belong to the Cchaco Marsh Rrat. We postulate that its occurrence is becoming less casual and is associated with the high climate variability and extreme events of flooding and drought that have affected the area in recent years. Tthese events would favour the ingression and eventual establishment of these rodents in the study area.

⚠️ This is an automatic machine translation with an accuracy of 90-95%

Translated Description (Arabic)

Holochilus chacarius Thomas, 1906 (Mammalia, Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) in Middle Delta of the Paraná River, Entre Ríos, Argentina. وصفنا وجود Holochilus chacarius في منطقة جزيرة فيكتوريا المدرجة في وسط دلتا نهر بارانا (Entre Rrios، الأرجنتين). جمعنا وحللنا كريات البومة المخططة (Pseudoscops clamator). تنتمي جميع عناصر أسنان الجمجمة التي تم تحديدها وقياسها إلى Cchaco Marsh Rrat. نفترض أن حدوثه أصبح أقل عرضية ويرتبط بالتقلبات المناخية العالية والظواهر المتطرفة للفيضانات والجفاف التي أثرت على المنطقة في السنوات الأخيرة. ومن شأن هذه الأحداث أن تفضل دخول هذه القوارض إلى منطقة الدراسة وتأسيسها في نهاية المطاف.

Translated Description (English)

Holochilus chacarius Thomas, 1906 (Mammalia, Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) in Middle Delta of the Paraná River, Entre Ríos, Argentina. We describe the presence of Holochilus chacarius in the Victoria Island Zone included in the Middle Ddelta of the Paraná Rriver (Entre Rríos, Argentina). We collected and analysed pellets of the Striped Oowl (Pseudoscops clamator). All skull dental items that were identified and measured belong to the Cchaco Marsh Rrat. We postulate that its occurrence is becoming less casual and is associated with the high climate variability and extreme events of flooding and drought that have affected the area in recent years. Tthese events would favour the entry and eventual establishment of these rodents in the study area.

Translated Description (French)

Holochilus chacarius Thomas, 1906 (Mammalia, Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) in Middle Delta of the Paraná River, Entre Ríos, Argentine. Nous décrivons la présence de Holochilus chacarius dans la zone de l'île Victoria incluse dans le Middle Ddelta du Paraná Rriver (Entre Rríos, Argentine). We collected and analysed pellets of the Striped Oowl (Pseudoscops clamator). Au crâne dentaire items that were identified and measured belong to the Cchaco Marsh Rrat. We postulate that its occurrence is becoming less casual and is associated with the high climate variability and extreme events of flooding and drought that have affected the area in recent years. Tthese events would favour the ingression and eventual establishment of these rodents in the study area.



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Translated title (Arabic)
وجود Holochilus chacarius Thomas، 1906 (Mammalia، Rodentia، Sigmodontinae) في الدلتا الوسطى لنهر بارانا، Entre Ríos، الأرجنتين
Translated title (English)
Presence of Holochilus chacarius Thomas, 1906 (Mammalia, Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) in the Middle Delta of the Paraná River, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Translated title (French)
Présence d'Holochilus chacarius Thomas, 1906 (Mammalia, Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) dans le Delta Moyen du fleuve Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentine



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